sound quality and reproduction has improved incredibly since we started – but little improved the music itself!
musicians need instruments that talk many languages and can develop big vocabularies
the biggest lessons we learned:
guitars live much longer than electronics!
it makes little sense to build the most advanced digital technology into an instrument because it will be outdated before the guitar even reaches its top quality
we now build analog electronics with basic parts like transistors and opamps because those hardly break and if they do, there will still be a replacement in 30 years. we use long life capacitors and gold plated contacts because those parts are the most likely to create problems in the future.
most guitar players need replicas of old instruments to replicate and refine old music. nothing wrong with this! but we can only contribute for the small rest who is looking for new ways – which is perfect for us because we are unable to produce in high quantity!
Paradis Guitars
Matthias Grob
Whatsapp: +5571 996544681
Signal: +49 1633427655