this is the economy version for those who own a Godin Multiac SA or ACS with an RMC polyphonic pickup and electronics (those with a Roland 13pin DIN output!) – with the advantage that it also works with the single board RMC preamp with tiny SMD parts. we also make a version for Spectrum guitars.
But we have no solution for the newest Multiacs with L.R.Baggs electronics!
there is not enough space for it in the RMC Polydrive II and IV, we recommend the -R upgrade board plus a battery holder
this module does not contain a preamp and thus does not alter the sound. so if you have an older Godin and wish to remove noise and control the volume of each string (and add clarity to the sound as many users hear), we recommend the -R upgrade board
more info on !
see this manual for background, alternatives and details
a dedicated manual is in the works
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